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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Can Usain Bolt make it as a professional Footballer/ Soccer player?

       It would be great to see such a transition, to see the 100m dash world and olympic record breaker take his talents to the football pitch. Imagine the 6'5 bolt thundering his way through the field, storming past other players. It may seem like a long shot right now, But imagine if he learns the basics of the game well: controlling the ball, reading the plays to make the right runs, and shooting powerfully (something he probably already has in abundance considering the power of his legs) and accurately(what he needs to work on.)

Usain Bolt joking with Wayne Rooney and maybe helping him with his sprinting technique. Perhaps the latter can help Bolt with his striking abilities.

       It would be a joy watching the world's fastest man and such a great athlete compete against the world's best footballers. Recent reports say that Usain bolt is in talks with Alex Ferguson for a trial with Manchester United.

        Maybe going from a sprinter to a striker/winger for Manchester United is a bit of a leap, so let's hope he plays for Fulham or some other mid table premier league team and shows his way up to the top slowly. I might be too optimistic about this but he might redefine how the game of football is played and perceived if he learns how to use his attributes correctly. 

Here is a video of Bolt fooling around with a football(soccer ball):
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Interesting Video!

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